Partner With Us to Transform Diabetes Care

SugoSure is easy to implement and enhances your workflow


The Future of Diabetes Care

SugoSure’s medium-term promise of artificial intelligence and data analytics will drive creation of Empowered Patients, Reduced Cost and Improved Outcomes.

Learn more


Deliver better care to your diabetic patients

Build your practice in an area of need

No extra overhead or startup cost


SugoSure is delivered in partnership with SugoSure-affiliated physicians. ConnectedHealth aims to improve care delivery in a way which also enhances the practice of those physicians who affiliate with us.

Under SugoSure's partnership model, ConnectedHealth provides digital health support and personal health coaching to patients through the Patient App and Health Coach Teleconsults.

Physicians provide clinical care with consultations supplemented by SugoSure Remote Reviews for remote monitoring.  This is enabled by the Physician Web Portal which is a diabetes electronic medical record with built-in clinical decision support tools

Physicians continue to bill for consultations and medications as currently and will receive a small monthly per patient monitoring fee from ConnectedHealth to cover the cost of their time spent on Remote Reviews (which are quick and efficient due to SugoSure's design).  

The cost of SugoSure is billed by ConnectedHealth to the patient and includes digital health support and health coaching.


The Result ...

Your diabetic patients receive the support and motivation they need to improve self management in a way which requires no additional overhead for you.

You are supported by a powerful tool which helps you to improve the care you deliver in an easy-to-use way which fits your workflow.

The Physician Portal


The Physician Portal comprises a SugoSure Patient List Screen plus Patient Review Screens for each active patient which contain clinical information and detailed glycaemic control analysis.

This is all arranged in a way which is easy to use, supports your decision-making and has clear audit trails. The portal may be accessed through standard web browsers on a desktop or large tablet mobile device.

Additionally you will receive SMS alerts and reminders in the case of patient emergencies or events due for completion according to SugoSure's protocols.

Data is stored in ConnectedHealth's Singapore-hosted Clinical Data Platform which analyses a data set from both physician records and patient logs.  Using SugoSure's proprietary algorithms, the system guides both clinical team and patient to enable best practice diabetes management.

All data stored by SugoSure is encrypted and accessible only upon secure user login.

ConnectedHealth adheres strictly to regulations as laid out in the Personal Data Protection Act.

SugoSure's protocols are based on Good Clinical Practice and have been extensively discussed with our Medical Advisory Board.  They are designed to help you frame your patient's Clinical Plan.  They also alert and guide you to conduct Remote Reviews at appropriate times depending on how each patient's level of glycaemic control.

Our health coaches also follow set protocols for patient interactions through messaging and teleconsults based on best practice Diabetic Nurse Educator support.  They work with each patient to develop a Lifestyle Plan which complements your Clinical Plan in an integrated and coordinated way.


SugoSure can be used by a wide range of patient types but is designed to best address the needs of patients with certain characteristics.

When used by selected patients over 6 months or more, SugoSure can produce very significant improvements in glycaemic control with consequent long-term risk reduction.

Product variants for patients who do not fit current selection criteria are planned in coming months to support broader usage of SugoSure.

SugoSure Patient Characteristics

  • Diagnosed Type 2 diabetic
  • On oral medication and/or basal insulin
  • Sub-optimal, poor or very poor glycaemic control with HbA1c generally above 7.0% within the last 6 months
  • Smartphone user / technology literate and owns either iPhone or Android phone
  • Motivated to put in some extra effort to log data and adhere to SugoSure's protocols in order to gain better control

Read four case studies from Beta Test patients which illustrate the benefits of SugoSure

A Tool for the Highly-Motivated Patient

The case of Patient 1 highlights that in a motivated patient, the benefits of SugoSure can be great.

Patient 1 is a 57-year old Chinese male patient who has had  type 2 diabetes for 17 years.  Prior to starting the Beta Test, he was "dissatisfied" with his diabetes management and felt he had "problems motivating myself and did not have enough support".

Weight has always been as issue for him (starting weight 90.4kg, BMI 31.2) and he was keen to try something different to help with weight loss and improve his diabetic management.   Prior to starting SugoSure he monitored blood glucose only occasionally.

Patient 1 started the Beta Test with HbA1c of 7.4% managed with Diamicron,  Janumet and Jardiance.  At the start his blood glucose readings were erratic with variability of more than 20%. Fasting blood glucose readings ranged from 5.7 to 7.7 mmol/L and pre-dinner readings from 7.3 to 11.8mmol/L. He managed less than 5000 steps daily and ate at hawker stalls for most meals.

With feedback through the SugoSure app, health coach advice and support he changed his lifestyle radically. He increased his daily steps to consistently above 10,000 with a two-week average at end Beta Test of  15,366.  Through a better understanding of portion sizes, more thoughtful food choices from hawker stalls and more home cooking he significantly improved his diet.  As a result of these changes he lost weight steadily with a total loss of 5.3kg after 3 months.

Blood glucose patterns also stabilized  with much reduced variability.  This was reflected in a significant HBA1c drop by 1.4% to 6.0% after 3 months.

In his formal interview and feedback survey, Patient 1 "strongly agreed" that he enjoyed using the app. He found his health coach key to SugoSure – "she gives a morale booster" and also felt that the insights provided by his health coach to his doctor "made a difference in my management."

"My doctor has encouraged me to actively manage my diabetes for many years but I didn’t know where to start. I am well aware of the complications of unmanaged diabetes and that is stressful. Now with SugoSure I have the tools and support to get things under control.  I am more conscious of what I need to do and make a concerted effort to try and reach my goals."

Closer Monitoring and Greater Lifestyle Focus

The case of patient 2 highlights the benefits of closer patient monitoring as enabled by SugoSure, in addition to increased patient focus on lifestyle.

Patient 2 is a 39 year-old Indian male patient with a 3 year history of T2DM.  Prior to starting SugoSure his HbA1c had recently worsened from 7.8% to 8.3%.  Starting weight 83.0kg, BMI 30.9 Rx Glucophage XR 1000mg OM.  Prior to starting SugoSure he did not monitor blood glucose at all and did not own a glucometer.

In his 2-week Baseline Assessment, Patient 2 had persistently high fasting BG and pre-dinner readings (ranging from 7.1mmol/L to 9.5mmol/L and 5.9mmol/L to 9.6mmol/L respectively with 14% variability) which his physician subsequently tracked closely through regular Remote Reviews.

Patient 2 was moderately active with an average of 5121 steps daily at SugoSure start. Compliance with food logging at the start was poor so it was hard to evaluate his diet.  As a result of remote monitoring data and health coach input, his physician called the patient in early (in his 8th week of SugoSure use) to increase his dosage of Glucophage XR to 1500mg OM.

His health coach continued to work with him through the SugoSure Patient App to motivate and address poor compliance with food logging.  This gradually improved, allowing closer dietary advice and eventually referral to a dietician specialized in Indian diets.

After 3 months of SugoSure use Patient 2"s HbA1c dropped to 7.3%, his average daily steps increased to 7672 and his diet had improved somewhat due to increased patient focus through food logging.  He lost 0.8kg to reach 82.2kg (BMI 30.6) after 3 months.

Patient 2 has continued to use SugoSure and is now in his 8th month of SugoSure use.  He has sustained his gradual lifestyle changes and has reached his glycaemic control targets (latest HbA1c 6.7%).

On interview, patient 2 felt that SugoSure "has improved my health and diabetic control…my HBA1c has improved, my activity has increased, I am monitoring more and I have a healthier diet".

Additionally, he liked the blood glucose tracking enabled by SugoSure and found physician consultations to be more interactive "…we have more to discuss about my diabetes"

“My understanding has improved in all aspects…I try to walk 10,000 steps daily, think more about my food choices and check my weight frequently”.  

Hypo Management and Education for a Recently-Diagnosed Patient

SugoSure has an important role to play for newly diagnosed diabetics, given typically unstable glycaemic control and patient inexperience.  

Patient 3 is a 37 year old Chinese male diagnosed with T2DM 6 months prior to SS Beta Test. His HbA1c was 11.7% on diagnosis which was rapidly controlled with Janumet XR 100mg/1000mg ON and Diamicron 60mg MR OM.

By November 2019 (start of the Beta Test) his HbA1c had dropped to 6.5%.  This value was also set by his physician as an ongoing target for Intensive glycaemic control in view of the patient’s age and recent diagnosis.  Start weight 55.2kg, BMI 21.0

Patient 3 had no structured patient education as a newly diagnosed diabetic other than from his doctor and his practice nurse.  Most of his understanding about diabetes was therefore gained through self-research through internet searches. He was already familiar with the principles of blood glucose monitoring and took BG readings once or twice a week.

Within the first 2 weeks of starting SugoSure, Patient 3 recorded 2 episodes of asymptomatic pre-dinner hypoglycaemia.  In all cases of hypoglycaemia logged, the patient’s physician and health coach are alerted when the log is received.  SugoSure’s protocols require the health coach to  call the patient soon after the alert to ensure correct treatment of the hypo and education.

Following a third hypo in his 3rd week using SugoSure (and relevant inputs from the health coach) his physician adjusted medication, reducing his Diamicron to 30mg MR OM.

The value of SugoSure in identifying a problem early, therefore allowing faster resolution, is clear from this case since the patient experienced no symptoms related to hypoglycaemia.  Following medication adjustment, Patient 3’s glycaemic control stabilized with a 3-month HbA1c of 6.4%.

His health coach continued to work with him primarily on diet, in addition to hypo management.  The patient found this very valuable in helping him gain the practical knowledge he needs.  He is now in his 8th month of SugoSure usage and his glycaemic control has remained excellent.  

“After a potentially high sugar lunch, I measure my pre-dinner BG to check the effects of my lunch on this BG reading. This helps me learn what to avoid in the future to keep things under control. It has been very helpful to understand this.”

Lifestyle Redirection in a Previously Poorly-Motivated Patient

While patient motivation and willingness to comply with monitoring protocols is a predictor of successful outcomes, SugoSure’s approach can also result in a turnaround of motivation as illustrated by Patient 4.

Patient 4 is a 42 year old Chinese female with a 5 year history of T2DM. She is obese with dyslipidaemia and a BMI of 43.0 at Beta Test start.

Since diagnosis, glycaemic control has always been sub-optimal with HbA1c between 7-8% however at Beta Test start HbA1c was 8.8%. Starting medication: Janumet 50/850mg BD.

In interviews, Patient 4 said she originally had a carefree attitude to her diabetes as she was a ‘live to eat’ sort of person with low motivation to make lifestyle changes.  She did not monitor blood glucose prior to the Beta Test.

In her first month, Patient 4’s average Pre-Breakfast and Pre-Dinner blood glucose readings were 9.0 mmol/L (range 6.4-10.0) and 8.7 mmol/L (range 6.4-11.9) respectively.

In view of her history of childhood cardiac disease, increased activity was not part of her Lifestyle Plan - which focused mainly on dietary change.

Despite her initial poor motivation, Patient 4 adhered well to SugoSure’s monitoring and food logging protocols and found the feedback from SugoSure’s graphs and alerts helpful to her understanding.  She began to make gradual changes to her choice of foods and valued the support provided by her health coach.

Patient 4’s glycaemic control steadily improved through the 3 month initial Beta Test period in response to both dietary changes and a medication dosage increase to Janumet 50/1000mg BD in the 3rd week.

By the end of the 3 month initial Beta Test period her HbA1c had dropped to 6.3% (the largest drop among all Beta Test patients) and she had lost 5.3kg.  

Patient 4 is now in her 8th month of SugoSure use, continues to monitor regularly (following Post-Meal monitoring protocols) and has maintained HbA1c at 6.3% .  She has not been able to lose further weight due to lifestyle disruptions from Covid 19 but is now trying to refocus on continued weight loss.

“SugoSure’s graphs and food diary have helped me understand how food choices impact by blood glucose.  I have learnt from it and even my whole family have learnt from it!  We are all eating healthier now.”


In addition to supporting individual doctors and patients, SugoSure aims to support the objectives of PCNs through a variety of patient-facing and supporting services.

Health coaching can be provided by ConnectedHealth or the PCN's own team of nurses using the SugoSure Health Coach Portal.

SugoSure's heart is its Clinical Data Platform covering a range of clinical indicators and outcomes measures unparalleled by current diabetes management systems.  Its comprehensive, structured data together with SugoSure's well-defined protocols and algorithms support many of the objectives of corporate medical groups and PCNs.

Tailored reporting and data analytics assist continuous improvement in care delivery and patient outcomes.  Supporting services draw on SugoSure's existing data modules, which may be further customised to meet specific integration and reporting needs.

If you are a PCN lead, ask us for more information

Partnership Model with Physicians and PCNs

Partner With Us to Transform Diabetes Care

SugoSure is easy to implement and enhances your workflow